Student well-being scale

Who is your partner and which element of the SEARCH framework have they been working on?

Michael Fraser.


What was their goal and how does it relate to their chosen element of SEARCH?

Measure well-being in year 12 Design class. Awareness and attention.


In which practice context was their goal applicable (e.g. did they work with a particular class, group or setting) and how did they establish an understanding of this context prior to taking action?

Michael Fraser noticed that the students were coming in to class feeling flat.



What actions did they take?

MFR used a scale of 🙂 to 🙁 to measure the well-being of the students.


What information did they gather to understand the impact of their actions? What does this information say about the impact, particularly on wellbeing?

Lack of sleep and eating irregularly were responsible for the poor well-being of the students.


What are your partner’s next steps from this point?

MFR had an open discussion with the students about what can be done to improve the current state of well-being. When several students reported lower well-being, MFR would change the intensity of the lesson.


Who else within the College could benefit from the outcomes of this work? What key takeaways can you identify that could usefully be applied elsewhere?

All teachers should have some way of measuring the well-being and should know how the students are feeling.  This is one easy tool that gives the teacher instant data.

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