See, Hear, Feel

Sue Thomas –

Year 8 Camp:
On the penultimate night of the Year 8 camp a couple of students were crying. They said to another staff that inquired, that they were tired and they were OK. By the Friday morning there were different groups of students huddled together having conversations and then students moving from one group to another. (SEE & FEEL) The 2 girls who had been crying the previous evening were still crying. (SEE) I asked the girls what was the problem, they tried to brush it off but I persisted as it was obviously not something small. They said that other students were calling them stupid and ugly (HEAR). I explained to them this was not acceptable and that I was feeling uncomfortable because of the atmosphere (FEEL) and that I was going to address it with the entire year group together. They said they were relieved as they were feeling horrible because so many people were now talking about them. (FEEL)

I gathered all the students together after breakfast and said the following…
I can see that some students are upset, I can see many of you getting into groups and whispering and I am feeling very uncomfortable. I can see many of you are nodding as I say this.
I have heard people saying unkind words about others and this is making me feel sad because we have had such a lovely time where people have been spotting each other’s strengths and not been putting people down. Once again, I can see many of you nodding and this is making me feel that you know what I am talking about.
This is our last day together and I want for us to leave this camp feeling happy and that we have all accomplished something new, where we have drawn on our own strengths.
Each one of us has to take responsibility for what we are saying and if we hear or see anything negative, we have to ask the person to stop because it is making others feel bad.
Go have a fabulous time at the beach – take your smiles, fun and kindness with you.

The students then went off to get ready for their activity. Over the next hour many students came and said thank you for addressing the situation.

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